If you have a passion for becoming a talented business manager, play Monkey Mart! Your mission is to manage a small supermarket and try to develop it.
Your daily job is to plant corn, bananas, or eggs. Wait for a while for the products to be produced so you can harvest them and put them on the shelves to sell to customers. You need to be constantly on the shelves to serve the needs of customers, do not leave the shelves empty for too long. Always update regularly so that the plants grow regularly and the chickens lay many eggs. If you do not harvest regularly, the productivity will decrease, and the plants will not grow more fruit when they are ripe.
There are many things that customers want to buy, when you upgrade and expand the variety of items, more customers will visit your store. And the needs of customers will also increase. The basic items that you will sell are bananas, eggs, corn, milk... You need to always run around these items to make sure that the product shelves are not empty because customers keep buying. Don't forget that in addition to selling, you also need to collect money from customers at the cashier. Use the money you earn to upgrade and open more new utilities to increase productivity at work.
As you expand your store, work will become busier and busier, so you need to hire more employees to help you reduce work and increase productivity significantly. Each employee will have a different position, such as harvesting products, arranging goods on shelves when customers drop them on the floor, and collecting money from customers at the checkout counter. In addition, you can upgrade your employees to help them work more effectively. This will also contribute to significantly increasing productivity at work.
To be able to grow continuously, you need to expand your store by improving the variety of products. You can add new types of shelves to display more products, from bananas and corn to high-end products such as bread, ice cream, or peanut butter. Place the shelves reasonably, making it easy for customers to access and saving time moving between areas. Expand more processing areas such as opening more ice cream machines, peanut butter machines, yogurt machines, or cakes. Processed products will have higher value, helping to increase revenue significantly. Machines will help you reduce manual work and increase productivity, especially when customers are increasing.
Hopefully, with the game Monkey Mart, you will have more opportunities to experience business and satisfy your passion for business when you want to become a talented business owner.